Upcoming Challenges & Readathons

All right, friends, I am charging ahead at full speed with my reading. I found myself some more mischief to get into (wink-wink). I’ll start small and get big.

20616344_992337268009_763503611_oSo first off, for this week, I am participating in the #Alphabethon . This is the third year for the event, which was created by @banterbooks. This round’s “theme” revolves around the letter C so all books should be connected to the letter C somehow. Author, character, title, setting, cover item, etc. There are seven challenges going on throughout the week as well as sprints being hosted through Twitter and overall it seems fun! I have already posted my TBR and completed one challenge (read a book in a location that begins with ‘C’ other than a couch for an hour…I read in my car).

For the first two weeks in August, I am participating in the #Unhaulathon . Since I am on a buying ban for this month, this is a great time for me to participate in a challenge and readathon like this. Basically, the goal of the readathon is to read books that have been on my TBR for over a year. The hosts encourage readers to then “unhaul” (give away, sell, trade, etc.) books once we finish them or decide we just won’t get around to reading them…but I doubt I will be going that far. I recently went through a culling of my shelves so I’m in a pretty good place. However, I do have plenty of books on my shelves to choose from and I do not need to buy more right now as much as all of the new releases (and old releases and just all books in general) I see are tempting. So that’s that. I have not come up with an “official” TBR for this readathon yet, though I plan to within the next couple of days.

The final event I am signed up for (so far) is ARC August. As the title suggests, this runs all month. I will dedicate a full post to this within the next few days as I round up the ARCs that I have that are “due” in August and early September that I will be prioritizing. I have a couple that I am really excited about. I will aim a little high, knowing that I probably won’t hit them all.

And there you have it, folks. That’s how August is rolling in! Let’s keep it strong, shall we? Game on!


4 thoughts on “Upcoming Challenges & Readathons”

    I’m not participating in any (unless Bout of Books is this month… idk) but I hope I can keep up with reading anyway! And I wish you luck with all your readathon fun!


  2. Glad I’m not the only one going nuts in readathons and challenges, haha!

    I had my doubts about ARC August at first – until I got approved for three ARC’s on the same day and my ARC’s went up to 5. “Well, hello ARC August” was the first thing that came to mind at that point..
    Apart from that: Read-a-thin and Make Me Read It Read-a-thon!

    Since it’s my first time ever doing a read-a-thon and I immediately took on three, I’m pretty motivated.

    [Think I would’ve gone with a cafe instead of my car, though, haha. Doesn’t sound all too comfortable..]

    Have fun reading and good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is always awesome to hear that you’re in good company and not the only crazy one with a list of reading goals and read-a-thons that feels like they’re a mile long! And then I see a new one (there’s a quest one coming up, for example) and I think, “OOH! Piece of candy! Let’s join that one too!” Well, self, that’s how your TBR got so long! Ha! Oh well, you only live once, right? And they’re all for fun and there’s nothing to lose right? Plus some read-a-thons end more quickly than others (some are 24 hours, some are 1 week, some 1 month, etc., etc.) and it gives me goals to shoot for AND something to talk about in my blog. PLUS I get to meet cool new people like you. So I say that the goods outweigh the bad. Goodluck to you! =]

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha totally true!

        I saw the quest one as well and I was soooo tempted but have been able to control myself. Going to focus on ARC August as soon as the Make Me Read It Read-a-thon has ended.

        Looking forward to doing more of them though, haha!

        Yes! Also true! I’ve connected with a whole bunch of new people since I started them. It might be the most fun part about it – except for getting my TBR to decrease a bit, that is 😅

        Good luck to you too 😀

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