Review: Slayer by Kiersten White

34723130Into every generation a Slayer is born…

Nina and her twin sister, Artemis, are far from normal. It’s hard to be when you grow up at the Watcher’s Academy, which is a bit different from your average boarding school. Here teens are trained as guides for Slayers—girls gifted with supernatural strength to fight the forces of darkness. But while Nina’s mother is a prominent member of the Watcher’s Council, Nina has never embraced the violent Watcher lifestyle. Instead she follows her instincts to heal, carving out a place for herself as the school medic.

Until the day Nina’s life changes forever.

Thanks to Buffy, the famous (and infamous) Slayer that Nina’s father died protecting, Nina is not only the newest Chosen One—she’s the last Slayer, ever. Period.

As Nina hones her skills with her Watcher-in-training, Leo, there’s plenty to keep her occupied: a monster fighting ring, a demon who eats happiness, a shadowy figure that keeps popping up in Nina’s dreams…

But it’s not until bodies start turning up that Nina’s new powers will truly be tested—because someone she loves might be next.

One thing is clear: Being Chosen is easy. Making choices is hard.

* ~ * ~ * ~ *

This was my second book by Kiersten White and this one was a completely different (and much better) experience than the first. I really enjoyed this book! I listened to the audiobook version, which is read by Madeleine Maby. She actually happens to be one of my favorite audiobook narrators simply because she also reads the Colleen Hoover books! She did an excellent job as she always does, at bringing the book to life. Seriously, her voice was absolutely perfect for this character and story! But let me go into detail regarding the rest of the book.

BfyAside from that, though, I went into Slayer pretty blind and distant. It was one of the first anticipated releases of 2019 I was reading, I didn’t like the last K-White book I read, and I’m not really a Buffy follower. I thought the book was literally ‘about’ Buffy, the vampire slayer, but instead, I was pleasantly surprised to find a kind of spin off who rather despised Buffy. Don’t get me wrong–the book isn’t about disliking Buffy or anything, but the concept is that our MC, Nina, comes from a line of Watchers. Her father was Buffy’s Watcher–or one of them–and she is the reason her father was killed, as well as the reason the world is ending, and the reason for this and that and the other and, well, you get the point.

wloSo anyway, what I loved about this book: Nina was a great female character. She went from weakling (the clumsiest, first aid geek and Watcher flunkie we could ever imagine) through a progression towards slayer-in-training throughout this book. And it really was a progression. She had her ups and downs, she made her mistakes, she trusted the wrong people at times, and I thought that was all realistic and relatable enough for me. Well, as relatable enough as a PRN fantasy can be. The side characters were pretty fun. There wasn’t really romance but–surprise!–there was a f/f relationship in the book. So take that for what you will! Lastly, I really enjoyed Nina’s sense of humor and sarcasm. Maybe its not for everyone and maybe its something that was brought out more in the audiobook, but I absolutely thought that that was a fantastic addition to the book!

And there you have it, folks. Slayer was my first 5-star rating of the year 2019 and I was in no way expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. I am so glad that I picked it up, and even more happy that I went for the audiobook.

So what do you think–have you read it? What do you think? Are you anti-Buffy like Nina is? Post your thoughts in the comments!



12 thoughts on “Review: Slayer by Kiersten White”

  1. Thanks for sharing, I’ll have to check this book out from your review. Do you have any other book recommendations?


    1. Of course! A couple of my recent recommendations would be City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab, Enchanted Inc. by Shanna Swendson, The Light We Lost by Jill Santopolo….I could go on and on! =]


  2. I actually have an ARC of this book and I have been meaning to give it a read! I’m glad you had an enjoyable experience with it, I hope I do, too!


  3. I LOVE Buffy, but I didn’t get a chance to watch it till it popped up on Netflix so I suppose I’m a pretty new fan in that aspect, still, I think it would be cool to read a character that was tied to Buffy a bit, but also who is not so close to her in some weird way that it wrecks my suspension of disbelief entirely, anyway, I’m off to see if the library has this now lol


    1. YES! I used to just watch random episodes of Buffy whenever I happened to catch them on TV in the afternoons so the show never made sense to me and I never really jumped into the fandom. But this was the perfect bit of exposure! I hope you enjoy the book–you’ll have to let me know!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great review! I have been incredibly nervous to read this one because I am a Buffy fangirl and it was essentially my version of Harry Potter when I was a teenager. It’s nice to see a positive review from someone outside of the Verse so to speak, and I am really glad you enjoyed the book!

    Also I had to laugh at the geeky description of Nina at the beginning, because it reminds me of Wesley in the show and his amazing character arc through Angel. That kind of makes me want to read it more, tbh


    1. LOL, it sounds like your Buffy was maybe my X-Files or Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I loved all these shows!
      I would be really interested to know how you as a fan end up liking (or not liking) this book. Hopefully its a good experience for you! Admittedly, there are some super cheesy aspects in the book, but I sort of expected that from a “Buffy” book (i.e. a demon who loves Coldplay?! Wha?!), and overall I got more out of the MC’s arc and where I think the book started and will be going. So I will be watching out for your review someday 😉


  5. Oooooooh I also have the audiobook for this! I hope to get to this really soon, glad you enjoyed it! What was your first book by Kiersten White?


  6. I have a sort of love/hate relationship with Kiersten White’s books, so I’m a little hesitant going into Slayer. Plus with some of the hype surrounding it, I don’t blame you for thinking this would be very Buffy centered (and the pitch has Buffy included), which I HAVEN’T watched. Happy to hear you enjoyed this one, Lindsay!


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