Bout of Books *Read a Thon* Day 5

Yesterday’s reading stats:

⇒ 22 pages read in The Circle

⇒ 35 pages read in  The Sweetness in the Bottom of the Pie

⇒ Read a one chapter preview on “First to Read” of Woman No. 17. I am intrigued! Added it to my TBR!

For my first day jumping into this read-a-thon, I’m not very happy with this reading but I did a lot of social media/ARC research and I started my #bookstagram account and I’m trying to get ahead in taking a few pictures for it! Personal goals for my IG: get on some Storygram tours, maybe rep for a company at some point, find some followers. I don’t have a company of my own, but I have been slowly building up my blog so I’m hoping to break more into the world of YA reviewing (which is what I mostly read, though so far I mostly get approved for adult fiction), and I want to figure out how to get hard copies of books, not just digital copies. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN?!

Ok, for the grand finale for today, the Day 5 challenge for Bout of Books is book spine rainbows! I will leave you with my little one. Until next time:


Listening to: “Carolina” by Harry Styles


1 thought on “Bout of Books *Read a Thon* Day 5”

  1. Hiya!

    This is my first bout a books, and I’m having so much fun! I like your books, I have watched Th1rteen R3asons Why, and Fault in Our Stars. I know I should of read the books first. Now I want to read the books. Well, maybe not Fault in Our Stars since I balled my eyes out at the movie!!! I know I have heard of Me Before You not sure if I’ve seen the movie yet. Maybe I’ll read the book BEFORE watching the movie this time!?

    Good luck with the rest of the bout of books!


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